Terms of Use
Welcome to Blu Moon Design! This document describes our terms of visiting and using this site. Accessing pages on blumoondesign.com (in any form) indicates your acceptance to these terms. Please read them carefully and be sure you agree before visiting our site.
Our goal is to provide a pleasing shopping experience to all. These terms are in place to provide this experience to everyone who visits our site. Please direct any inquiries about this policy to terms@blumoondesign.com. For our privacy policy, please click here for more information.
The internet can be a nasty place, and this policy is in place to protect both ourselves and our community.
User Agreement
As a visitor to blumoondesign.com (or any variation of the domain name thereof, hereafter "Site"), you agree:
- To use the Site only for the purposes for which it was intended, primarily shopping and interacting with Blu Moon Design;
- That all content and files included in the Site are the sole property of, licensed to, or otherwise used by Blu Moon Design, and cannot be reused in any way without the express consent of Blu Moon Design or the owner of any applicable intellectual property rights. Inquiries regarding ownership and licensing should be directed to sales@blumoondesign.com;
- To not attempt to circumvent, disrupt or otherwise interfere with the operation of the Site in any way;
- To not attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, or use any scripts, codes, content or other media present in the Site, including but not limited to: scripts, images, fonts, or other files without explicit permission from the applicable intellectual property rights owner;
- To respect other users of the Site and the Blu Moon community in general in all interactions—including those in other web sites—by not distributing illegal, pornographic, discriminatory or otherwise offensive content, including text, images and video in locations sponsored or hosted by Blu Moon Design;
- That Blu Moon Design is not responsible for any incidental damages related to using the Site (including order placement and securing payment), and that any damages shall never exceed the paid amount of the order(s) in question, which Blu Moon Design may—at its sole discretion—opt to refund (in whole or in part) as a remedy in disputes.
Violation of Terms of Use
In cases where these terms are violated, Blu Moon Design may at its sole discretion take one or more of the following actions:
- Informing the user of the violation and issuing a warning;
- Barring a user from access to the blumoondesign.com site and/or placing orders;
- Blocking a user on other sites from group membership, discussion boards, comment threads or other communications in locations where Blu Moon Design offers products for sale, sponsors, or hosts such activities;
- Initiating further legal action as defined by law to defend its rights
Revised February 16, 2017